
用的是黑色圆形压电蜂鸣器,设置io口为LED1,设置Buzzer -2 跟随led模式

在web端用Buzzer 2,3,4 命令就只能响一声,按示例来说不是应该响2声300ms,间隔400ms吗?

试了好几天没把正确的命令试出来求大佬说下 感谢

Buzzer 0 = stop active buzzer cycle
<count>,<beep>,<silence>,<tune> = read more…
2,3 = Beep twice with 300 milliseconds duration and 100 milliseconds pause
2,3,4 = Beep twice with 300 milliseconds duration and 400 milliseconds pause
1,2,3,0xF54 (0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0101 0100). Each 1 bit beeps for 200 milliseconds and each bounded 0 bit pauses for 300 milliseconds
-1 = infinite mode
-2 = follow LED mode
SetOption67 iFan03 Buzzer control
0 = disable Sonoff iFan03 buzzer (default)
1 = enable Sonoff iFan03 buzzer
SetOption111 0 = (default)
1 = use frequency output for buzzer pin instead of on/off signal, for piezo buzzers

Examples: 3 - Beep three times with 100 milliseconds duration and 100 milliseconds pause
2,3 - Beep twice with 300 milliseconds duration and 100 milliseconds pause
2,3,4 - Beep twice with 300 milliseconds duration and 400 milliseconds pause
1,2,3,0xF54 (0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0101 0100). Each 1 bit beeps for 200 milliseconds and each bounded 0 bit pauses for 300 milliseconds