During the creation of this forum, “ioBroker China”, we have actively contacted the maintainers of ioBroker project to seek their opinions and suggestions.
Every maintainer of the ioBroker project is very friendly and patient, they provided a wealth of guidance and materials to us.
Today, several maintainers of the ioBroker project are invited to settle in this forum, let us welcome them! !
The problems we encountered during the use of ioBroker can be raised in the forum’s Q&A section. If we and other netizens are unable to answer the questions perfectly, we can also ask the ioBroker contributors for help.
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ioBroker is an open source, open, fun and easy to use smart home platform. The forum will also adhere to the concept of user and developer, and continuously share content related to ioBroker and smart home.
Developers are also expected to participate in the ioBroker open source project to contribute to the project.