Node-Red 无法启动,日志中显示 :
“SSL has been enabled using the '‘ssl’ options…which is configured using the ‘certfile’ option in the add-on configuration…file specified in the ‘certfile’ option does not exist. Please ensure the certificate file exists and is placed in the ‘/ssl/’ directory…consider getting an SSL certificate or setting the ‘ssl’ option to false… Check the add-on manual for more information.”。
结合Node-Red加载项文档里的信息上网搜了下,搜到的内容(Node-red wont start, SSL error - #2 by Biscuit - Node-RED - Home Assistant Community)建议禁用Node-Red ssl或者进到Node-Red在ha的镜像文件里创建一个SSL证书和密钥。
我先按照这个帖子(HASS.IO addons: Node-Red configuration - #18 by Quira - Configuration - Home Assistant Community)通过网页进到ha的ssh里尝试创建证书和密钥;但因为Node-Red一运行就报错停止,根本进不到容器里,没法访问到里面的文件。
之后我想禁用ssl, 把require_ssl改成false,因为进不去容器所改不成;但我看Node-Red加载项的配置里有个ssl的栏目后面跟着个小开关,我尝试把那个关了能不能起作用,结果没啥效果。